Sitting in the Houston Airport. Leave for India in about one hour. Going with Robbie Briggs, a friend from Dallas. Last fall, Dr. Joy George (President of the A.C.A.) invited me to join the seminary students on their mission trip in October. Right now the A.C.A. seminary students are divided up into ten groups on mission trips throughout India. Robbie Briggs and I will be joining one group in Kochin, India. This is a next step in my desire to continue to build relationships with these students and encourage them when they go out from the seminary to plant and pastor churches throughout India.
What will we be doing? I am not totally sure. The main thing Robbie and I want to do is to pray for and encourage the students. The students will be doing evangelism at a university in the city.. We are going to try to show a film called The Privileged Planet. They hope I will be able to attend and then let the college students ask me some questions. Scarey! Also, Dr, Joy's brother, Babu, has a church in Kochin. I suspect that I will get to preach and do some teaching during the week for their lay leader equipping classes.
Prayer Requests:
That Robbie and I will be well received to be able to encourage and pray for the students.
That I will be a servant to the students, Robbie, and the church. (God has been convicting me lately of my need for some huge growth in the area of being a servant.)
That God will give me wisdom that is way beyond me for the film showing and question time afterward.
For God's encouragement to Vela and Nancy (Robbie's wife) while we are gone.
That I will not try to make anything happen. I will just hang out with Jesus and follow Him around to where he takes me.
That God will keep us both healthy.