19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:19-20
Sheree and I hiked 13 miles today. We were in awe of this extended carpet of yellow flowers. They are dandelions! No one has been busy trying to pluck, pull, or spray them into extinction. The weeds we spend considerable time and energy trying to eradicate from our lawns beautifully decorated the trail. I often spend considerable time and energy in resentment for the wrongs done to me by others. The typical stuff—an unkind word, unfaithfulness of a friend, the wounds from family—can become like weeds in the lawn of my life. Do I ever expect those things to become part of the good work God is accomplishing in me? No, because I do not have the humility of Joseph who could look at his brothers and not only extend grace but see the salvation of God. Do you know anyone who responds like Joseph to wrongs done to them?
Sheree and I hiked 13 miles today. We were in awe of this extended carpet of yellow flowers. They are dandelions! No one has been busy trying to pluck, pull, or spray them into extinction. The weeds we spend considerable time and energy trying to eradicate from our lawns beautifully decorated the trail. I often spend considerable time and energy in resentment for the wrongs done to me by others. The typical stuff—an unkind word, unfaithfulness of a friend, the wounds from family—can become like weeds in the lawn of my life. Do I ever expect those things to become part of the good work God is accomplishing in me? No, because I do not have the humility of Joseph who could look at his brothers and not only extend grace but see the salvation of God. Do you know anyone who responds like Joseph to wrongs done to them?
God, I confess that when I am wronged I lack humility. I want to be judge, jury and executioner. I constantly disobey Your command to leave room for the wrath of God. By faith, I thank You that You can turn the sins of others as well as my own sins into something beautiful in my life. May I be gracious and forgiving like Jesus, my greater Joseph. How can I be so blind to forget how You have used past pain to mature me and make me useful for your kingdom? Lord, have your way in me.
God, I confess that when I am wronged I lack humility. I want to be judge, jury and executioner. I constantly disobey Your command to leave room for the wrath of God. By faith, I thank You that You can turn the sins of others as well as my own sins into something beautiful in my life. May I be gracious and forgiving like Jesus, my greater Joseph. How can I be so blind to forget how You have used past pain to mature me and make me useful for your kingdom? Lord, have your way in me.