Friday, November 06, 2009

Focus Part 2 Learning from John the Baptist

John 1:29 (NIV)The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

The characteristic that draws me to John the Baptist was his laser-like focus on calling others to look to Jesus. (I also like that he enjoyed camping out.) John did not give a rip about the size of his following, what the people with money and power thought about him, or maintaining anything (even his own following of disciples). The first time he says, “Look, the lamb of God,” two of His disciples peel off and start following Jesus. One of those guys was Andrew, a good recruiter, the kind of person you need to help your ministry grow.

As a pastor, I am painfully aware of the distractions that grow in the soil of ministry maintenance. The nagging questions of the trade: Who’s leaving the church? Why aren’t more people coming? How was the offering? How was my sermon? Who’s mad? Who’s glad? What’s falling through the cracks? How are we improving our leadership? Why is their church doing better than ours? I know that some of these real life questions can’t and should not be ignored for the health of the church. I also know that these questions don’t get ignored. In fact, they often become an irresistible magnetic field in my own mind sucking energy, time and hope.

I long to operate in the real world focused on constantly calling those who God brings my way, “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away this sin of the world." I know that doesn’t happen unless my own heart, soul, mind, and strength are captivated by looking at the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of Neil.

Pray for me and our church to embrace a laser-like focus on the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

1 comment:

redspw said...

I enjoyed your blog....navigating church life - what a tough role....thank goodness for CR as we realize we are powerless to control everything. Honestly, I feel that the Lord is doing something major in the life of may not be what we expect. I am resting that He is leading us to something different - more grace oriented and less focused on cultural Christianity so that we become humble servants of the Lord, realizing that only by His strength can we do what He asks and not out of our own abilities or strength. I feel He is taking us to a place that is deeper and in some ways harder than we've ever experienced, but it is to fill a specific task He has for us. In recovery I am learning that expectations are just preconceived resentments waiting to I am letting go of any expectations and am praying that Northwest Bible will let go of their expectations so we can become the church that He wants....and we can do it with joy in our hearts and faith so mighty that all fear and worry will be put aside.