Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Bible Verse:
From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:26-27 (NIV)

I often argue with God. Yes, I’ll admit it. I don’t always like His plans and His ways are certainly not my ways. To this day, I still argue with God about why I was born into “my family.” When I look at the possible families He could’ve given to me, I wonder what life would’ve been like if my family was less perfectionistic, or had more wealth — or even if we just had a dog. What if I had been born to the family next door and life was different? Could I have been the first female, ethnically Indian president?

On the other hand, I have to also consider the reality of being born to the family next door. Since I was born in India, that could’ve meant never learning to read or write, suffering from malnutrition or, as a girl, being sold for adoption.

When I look at God’s placement of my life, that He set this time and this place for me to live — that He gave me to a family that moved to America, I am educated and have food to eat every day — I have to humbly admit that I don’t always know what would’ve been best for my life then, or even what’s best for my life tomorrow. God’s sovereignty remains a complete mystery to me. I try to explain it with analogies or little diagrams, but I’m not sure I will ever understand just how He works such things out. What little I am sure of includes knowing He had a plan to do what was necessary so that I would seek Him and come to know Him. Today, He is still busy doing just that — arranging everything in my life so that I will seek and know Him more.

I may argue with the methods from time to time, but I must admit that He does a have wonderful purpose in His plans.

Recall a time or event in your life where you have seen God’s plan at work, and give thanks. Consider where you are today - do you question God’s timing and placement? Consider why you are unwilling to accept God’s plans in this area and what needs are revealed by your questioning of His plan. For example, why do you seek a different job with a bigger salary? Does it reveal disbelief in knowing you will always be provided for? Or why do you seek a spouse? Does it reveal the need to believe you are loved and accepted unconditionally by someone?
Take some time to reflect on the differences or similarities between where you have seen God work before you in your life and with this area you question today. What is He saying to your heart? Is there something He’s asking of you today?

Written by Dipa H. Hart. Dipa and Nathan have attended Northwest for four years.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Thank you for this honest, thought provoking and worship inspiring devotional.