Saturday, October 17, 2009


Bible Verse:
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Luke 18:16 (NIV)

It should be no surprise to any of us that the ministry to children is the most important and fruitful ministry in the church. Eighty-five percent of believers trust Christ before they’re 14. Why? What makes it easier for a child to believe than an adult? The reason is that children have qualities that make believing in Jesus easier than it is for an adult.

First, children are humble. One of the big hindrances to faith for adults is pride and an unwillingness to admit they are sinners. Children are dependent on their parents. They trust their parents to care for them, so it’s not difficult to transfer that dependence to a heavenly Father. Children have more faith naturally than adults. They can believe in what is invisible without difficulty. Children respond to authority, so obeying God is often easier for them. Children are able to memorize without always understanding what they learn, so the Word of God can be planted in their minds and when their understanding catches up, it will be there as a firm foundation.

How can we love and welcome children as Jesus did? We plan our children’s programs as more than entertainment or baby-sitting. We recognize these important characteristics and use them to teach children God’s Word and lead them to a personal decision to trust their Savior.

We don’t simply teach children how to behave like good “Christians” when they are not believers at all, imposing a set of rules that can lead to a joyless legalism. We tell them that when they trust Him, Jesus comes to live within them by His Spirit and He will give them a new “want-to,” a “want-to” that desires to please their loving Savior instead of themselves.

This is a ministry where we all can have a part. Some of us can be right there with them teaching, helping, and loving them. All of us can pray for them. I’m very glad that our church plans to make the children’s ministry a priority and will support whatever is necessary to make it effective and fruitful.

Lord, please help me to value children as You do. May I take the opportunity to work with them, showing them Christ’s love and acceptance and their need to trust Him. Keep me faithful in prayer for them and for those who serve them in our church. Amen.

Written by Vickie Kraft. Vicki has attended Northwest for 24 years.

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