Wednesday, October 07, 2009

What do I know about the Holy Spirit?

This is one of my regular blog posts, not a Connect with Future Generations journal entry.

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike, “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! Romans 8:15-17 (The Message)

In my time with God today, I was reading Romans 8:1-17. Three hours later I am still praying, thinking, meditating, and reading what others have said. It seems like every time I come across verses that reference the Holy Spirit I have more questions than answers. Do you ever feel like that?

I think there are several reasons. One, I assume that I can figure out God but I can’t. His ways are not my ways, His thoughts are not my thoughts. You think I would have learned that in four years of seminary. Two, I don’t want to be disappointed. When I first came to Christ, my theology of the Holy Spirit could be summarized in these words, “A Supernatural Zap.” Too often, I didn’t get a zap to keep me from sinning or give me great boldness in telling the world about Jesus. Three, there is clearly a subjective nature to the role and working of the Spirit of Jesus that people who like control (i.e. me) are not always comfortable with. Yet, I know I have experienced this at times. I still cannot explain it. Four, I have read too many differing opinions about the nature and role of the Spirit of Jesus today. The people pleasing part of me takes over here so that I want to find a comfortable middle ground that is more about pleasing others than pursuing the living, holy God. Bummer.

Today while praying, I was impressed to just make a list of what is true from Romans 8:1-17. Don’t try to figure it out. Don’t ask, “How do I do it?” Just rest in what is true. So here it is straight from my journal:
The Spirit of Jesus lives in me!
The Spirit of Jesus guarantees I will not be condemned to death!
The Spirit of Jesus fulfills the requirements of the law for me!
The Spirit of Jesus sets my mind on the things of the Spirit!
The Spirit of Jesus is working in me to produce life and peace!
The Spirit of Jesus gives me a direct connection with the resurrection life of Christ!
The Spirit of Jesus enables me to put to death the deeds of the body!
The Spirit of Jesus leads me!
The Spirit of Jesus declares me a child of God!
The Spirit of Jesus in me is diametrically opposed to feeling of enslavement and fear!
The Spirit of Jesus is the spirit of adoption encouraging me to call God—Father!
The Spirit of Jesus declares to me that I am a child of God!
The Spirit of Jesus guarantees that I am an heir of God and a fellow heir with Christ!

I am not sure how all this works out in my life as a believer, husband, father, and pastor. However, I am thankful and believing that the Spirit of Jesus is moving, blowing, and working in my life, your life and the world right now. For now I think I will keep it simple and follow Jesus. (And I only do that because the Spirit enables me!)

PRAYER: Father, fill us with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we might more fully understand You and Your ways, that we might produce the fruit for which you called us, and that we might please You in all that we think, say and do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I would sure like to hear your thoughts on this one.


Unknown said...

Reading your list, which entirely is true and good, the one that grabs me most: The Spirit of Jesus enables me to put to death the deeds of the body! This reminded me of how I've experienced the Holy Spirit acting in my life.

A year and a half ago, I was impressed by the knowledge the Father gave me about the Holy Spirit of Jesus: Faithful. The faithfulness of the Father and the Son is always exercised through the character of the Holy Spirit. He can not be contradicted on this. If the Lord wants me to know something, the Holy Spirit will put the knowledge in my heart. Sometimes it's a reminder, sometimes a warning, etc., but He never fails to do this (I will never leave you or forsake you) and it's up to me to yield to the Spirit and choose to receive and obey. No matter what I do with the Spirit's interaction in my daily life, He is ALWAYS faithful to act. He never misses a beat giving me exactly what the Father and the Son want me to have. "This is the way, walk in it."

This understanding was such an encouragement! Because He IS faithful I have the power of Jesus to put to death the deeds of the body. I rejoice at this reminder, thank you.

TadWP said...

First of all - by the time I saw the tweet of this post at 6:50 it already had 6 visitors from the tweet. Sadly - I'm the first to comment. Triumphantly I'm the first to comment.

Wow Neil - what a deep and profound concept of thought today. My first reaction is YES - the Holy Spirit is in me. The second, I can't tell you how I know - I just know. And as you said, the Holy Spirit leads me. Leads is the operative word here. Again I resemble the remark about submission by a controlling personality. And when I submit - the leading is far beyond what I can normally comprehend.

To answer the blog post "What do I know about the Holy Spirit?" not a lot. Tangibly that is. I know I want it. I know it lives within me. I know without it I'm doomed.

Thanks for the inspiring and thought provoking words. I am always humbled to come before God. Be it in the Word, through the actions of others or reading a blog.

In the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Yours Truly

Neil said...

Thanks for saying, "If the Lord wants me to know something, the Holy sprit will put the knowledge in my heart." So often, I rely only on the fact that I have studied the Word, obeyed enough, sought lots of counsel, etc. Without negating the importance of any of those things, I need to rest in a God who is faithful to give good gifts to His children.

dhoffmann1124 said...

Your thoughts brought tears to my eyes. It is a great joy to see where God is leading you. It sure does make it easier to follow you when I know that we have or are wrestling with the same things. Go figure.lo

redspw said...

I am finding that the more I seek the Spirit, the more I find Him. When I yield to Him, the more He shows up. When I am still and quiet, I hear alot more. When I am going my own way, seeking things for the wrong reasons, and doing things out of my own strength, I seem to block that flow. Recently, I have been taking an inventory of when such blockages occur, it is as if the awareness of them has brought the Spirit into them so He starts gently guiding me and redirecting me....and even healing me from some of my sin tendencies. This is where I see His power as He doesn't condemn me, but gently shows me how MY WAY leads to trouble and confusion and HIS WAY leads to peace and joy.

Anonymous said...

What do I know about the Holy Spirit?

I know that the Holy Spirit was God's grasp on my soul. I've spent years and years away from Christ. I've ignored God at best and blasphemed at worst. I accepted Christ as a child and have spent the rest of my life distancing myself from Him.

But I know and always knew that during those moments of quiet conviction it was God flexing his fingers around my soul through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has always been there, entrenched in the last corner of my soul, until I re-opened my heart.

I don't know any scripture about the Holy Spirit, but I know the Spirit has suffered with me through very sinful times.

Thanks for your posts and thanks for praying for me as part of the church body. Know that we're praying for you. May God give you strength.

Neil said...

Thanks for the honesty. In every thing you said including not knowing scriptures on the Holy Spirit you affirmed what the scriptures do show...God speaks to us in ways that are not always concrete and easily explained through His Spirit living in us. Please read 1Corinthians 2:9-12 :)
This is right in line with Curry's comments.

Neil said...

Interesting you used the term "flow." The image that becomes more and more prominent of the Holy Spirit as you move from Old Testament to New Testament to the givng of the Spirit in Acts is the picture of water. Some good verses: John 3:4-5; John 7:37-39; 1Corinthians 12:13; Acts 2:17-18.

redspw said...

Thanks for the image of the Holy Spirit as Living water that flows in me and through me life, quenching my thirst, healing me, guiding me....aaah, the ultimate refreshing drink that satsifies me completely. Contrast that picture to a clogged up pipe - the water either can't get through or trickles through it because of the stuff that is blocking it. That stuff is my sin and/or my denial of my sin. THe water is always there, but my sin blocks the flow. However, grace is the "draino" that helps to unblock so that it flows again. I am thankful for His forgiveness, His patience, and His love for me. The Spirit is there always....the question is am I willing to yield, to surrender, to abandon my ways, and to really dig below the surface and see how my flesh and sin permeate everything I do so that I can experience His ever flowing peace and presence?

Dan said...

I can't get my head or my heart around the Holy Spirit. I know he is vital for life and the ultimate connection with the Father, but he is a mystery. Crucial to a fulfilled life in Christ but not able to be boxed in or controlled. Life giving, life altering and life disrupting. The peace that passes understanding. As you point out in powerful way, the Spirit is the one who confirms our sonship with the Father! The spiritual power source.... I can use more of that! Thanks for opening up a conversation that is stirring my heart and based on the comments, many others!