Friday, October 16, 2009


Bible Verse:
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1Peter 4:10 (NIV)

It’s 5th grade. Recess. Time for another epic game of kickball! The two loudest and usually oldest kids play a quick game of “rock, paper, scissors” to see who gets to pick first. The first few picks are exhilarating. High fives are flying. Not so with the last few picks … who gets stuck with Petey? Who has to deal with Alice?

Have you ever been picked last? Or have you ever felt like you had nothing to offer? Ultimately we all tend to gravitate toward things we do well, and, fortunately for most of us, kickball skills don’t mean much in the grand scheme of life.

But how do you feel about the way you fit in the church? Are you tempted to slip into the role of spectator? Or do you believe that God has created you with unique gifts and a special place in the body of Christ?

Think about some of the simple phrases in Peter’s encouragement: “Each one” — we all have a role, “should use” — we need to participate, “whatever gift he has received” — we contribute in unique ways, “to serve others” — it’s not about me, it’s about others.

By God’s grace we can all play a part in connecting with future generations. Of course we can all give financially, but let that be the starting point, not the end. How has God gifted you? What are you going to do about it?

Take a moment to quiet your mind and become aware of God’s presence. Ask Him to reveal to you how you can use your gifts to participate in connecting with future generations. Ask Him to show you a “next step” and commit in your heart to take it. Begin to pray for others in the church and ask God to reveal to them how He wants to use their gifts. Ask Him to show you how you might encourage others in their gifting.

Written by Travis Jones, our worship minister. Travis and Danielle have attended Northwest for six years. They have four children: Annabelle (13), Caleb (11), Madeleine (9) and Sabrina (7).

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