Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let's Seek the Lord Together in Hiring

Acts 13:2 While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

Today, Brandt (our executive pastor) and I will be interviewing two people for our Children’s Minister position. This person will be responsible for giving direction for our ministry to children from birth to 5th grade. When I was a production manager for an electronics company, hiring seemed much less complex. In the church, we are concerned about the spiritual life, theology, ministry passions and emotional health of every candidate, as well as their competency, skills and cultural fit. Before hiring, we have multiple interviews, involve leaders of our ministries, utilize gift assessment tests, check references, and seek outside council. We do all the stuff the “experts” say to do. We also pray. However, when I read the account in Acts of Barnabas and Saul sent out, I wonder if we are spending enough time seeking the Lord in these things. Therefore, I am asking you to pray for us today as we take the next step in the process with two people.

Jesus, we want to want what You want for the church. We need Your spiritual wisdom and understanding in the task of hiring staff. We believe that You still direct and guide us through the Holy Spirit. If there is any sin in our lives today that is hindering us from hearing You clearly please shine Your light. Lead us this day.


Anonymous said...

Praying...knowing the Lord will fulfill all of His purposes for Northwest and that He will lead and guide the leadership by the Holy Spirit. Praying that He will provide opportunities for stillness and time to seek Him first in all things. Looking forward to seeing Him work in this body called Northwest Bible Church.

redspw said...

Thank you for letting us know how to pray. We will be in prayer that the Spirit will lead you, Brandt and all those involved in this process...including the individuals you are interviewing in knowing what Jesus would want. May we let go of our preconceived notions and rest in knowing that as we seek Him, He will guide us to what He wants.

Neil said...

Thanks for your prayers.