Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Isaiah 30:15,18

15 For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, “In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.” But you were not willing.18 Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him.

The idea for this prayer today came from one of our missionaries, Anita Gonzalez. Anita was involved in the singles ministry I led when I first came to Northwest. Anita is a courageous woman maximizing her singleness to serve the LORD with whole hearted devotion. This has been her verse for the year as she seeks direction for future ministry in her country. Let’s be sure to pray for her today.

The thing that strikes me about this verse is that God often gets a bad rap for being an angry, mean, standoffish war monger in the Old Testament. The context here in Isaiah is Israel running back to the old Egyptians for shelter. Talk about mean people! Look at what God is doing—He is longing, He is waiting. He wants to be gracious, to be compassionate. However, maybe in our hustle and bustle and problem solving and planning and preparing, maybe we just are not willing to wait and see the salvation of the LORD.

God Most High, I confess that I, more often than not, would like to figure it all out, work hard and get control, than to give You freedom to work beyond me, supernaturally and in ways that makes it clear You alone do great wonders. It is so difficult for me to know what this looks like in raising my children, loving my wife, pastoring a church in Dallas. It is clear that the elements of repentance, rest, quietness are more luxuries to me than necessities. Forgive me, I have sinned. In this moment, I long for You. Thank You for the gift of some believers in Jesus who wait for these emails because it creates a necessary discipline for me.

Please personalize this prayer for your situation in life.

Thankful to God for the technology that allows us to connect in this way,


Marc said...

You are so right about the blessings of technology. However, it seems we miss the face to face and rely too much on email and text messaging at times.

Thank you for your diligence in sending these prayers. They are helping me find perspective in my life and remind me of God's unfailing love for his children. What you said about trying so desperately to figure it all out struck a chord with me. It reminds me that God is in control and he wants what is best for my life.


Neil said...

This comment landed on the wrong day but I wanted you to see this.

dallasite said...
I try to pray as much as I can and lift these things to Jesus. Though I don't do this as much as I think I should, I clearly do see His actions in my life. That said, it's hard to figure out where to draw the line on how/when to give it over to Him...if I don't work hard, it does seem that control is lost, and my entrepreneurial work doesn't get done. This leads to disaster for my family. SImply put, it is hard to figure out how to pull back, when to pull back, whether to pull back, etc. and my prayers don't result in obvious answers.

Travis Jones said...

That hits me hard. "But you were not willing." Why can I be so resistant to the good things God has for me? I want trust. I want strength. But I have to force myself to rest. Help me Lord!

redspw said...

Your prayer today and the verse in Isaiah is what the Lord has been telling me this past year. It seems the way our culture is and the way we are parented is so much on doing. Sometimes I wonder if we don't have it all wrong. If it is more of a matter of trusting and believing that God will direct us, move us, guide us, work in us to do what He wants....we just have to be willing to surrender it all and let go, resting and going to Him for everything. Sounds so easy, but is so counter-intuitive to the way I was raised. Lord Jesus, help us depend on you for everything and let go.

Charlotte said...

This is one of my favorite pieces of scripture, how timely, how amazing is our God! Right when I needed it. So often I think of my busy-ness as necessity, not as a sign that I'm unwilling to repent, rest, be quiet, and trust. Wow.